We promise you premium cashews
from single origin and consistent taste.
Our procurement is based
on a fair price to a farmer
to improve their earnings.
We are helping the environment
and reducing carbon footprint
by processing at the origin.
We are reducing gender inequality by employing
women for over 70% of our workforce.
Reduce your Asia supply chain risk
by buying from our BRC certified
factories in West Africa.
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Sonata Agri International Limited is a BRC certified premium cashew processing company in West Africa processing over 30,000 tons of raw cashew nuts in Nigeria and Cote D’Ivoire.

Sonata enjoys a premium and unique brand in the cashew sector as a pioneer in traceability to farm clusters. Sonata focuses on tech-enabled traceability, with significant investments in software and a cloud platform to trace each cashew nut back to its origin farm.

Sonata engages with thousands of farmers each year to promote good agricultural practices and improve the productivity of smallholder farmers.

Sonata is a leading cashew exporter to top food and snack companies in the US, UK, and Europe.

The Cashew Process



The sun dried cashew nuts are subjected to steam roasting to remove the outer shell and produce edible cashew kernels. The raw nuts are connected to a boiler and steam roasted



The Outer shell of the roasted cashew nuts is cut off in the process. This can be regarded as a complex step in the entire process, where an unbroken kernel with a soft layer will be produced.



Peeling is a process where the inner shell of the kernel is removed so as to produce white nuts. The peeling process is designed to remove the soft shell, which is enhanced by the cold treatment. This step of agro processing will give out the white collared cashew nuts that are sent to the grading department.



Grading of cashew nuts is designed to sort out the wholes and pieces of cashew. This depends on the size, color and texture of the nuts.



It is passed through a cleaning line, where dead insects, foreign particles, if any are removed. Finishing touches are given to grades by removing lower grades.cashew kernels are packed in controlled atmosphere. Ambient air is removed.

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